Thursday, January 3, 2008

Theory of Evolution and The Bible

Did you know there are people that think that the Bible creation story is true. This is based on one book? Did you know the theory of evolution is testable and observable and is drawn from thousands of books and thousands of replicable experiments? But why would anyone want to go on evidence when you can say that it was all created. Less thinking is always better.

Sure evolution doesn't tell you how to live your life. But, then again, I wouldn't want to live the sexless, fear ridden, self-righteous lives of many who follow the Bible. Where is it written that the Bible has all the answers? Oh, I forgot, the Bible. It's sort of like some snake oil salesman telling a group he has the cure for cancer. Some will believe and some won't. Which are you?

P.S. When did evidence become a bad word. Show me how you arrive at your conclusions and I might agree with you. Just don't ask me to believe in something that can't be proven. I used to believe in the Easter Bunny until I got more information. Apparently some people don't believe in information unless it comes out of one book. What if some guy in Utah was claiming his book led him to believe in polygamy. Oh wait, that's another story...or is it?

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