Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reactionary Vs. Progressive

There's a reason conservatives are reactionary and liberals are progressive. Reactive thinking waits for something to happen and then does some lame thing to try to fix the problem after the fact. It usually involves some sort of hard ass action like cutting government or going to war. Proactive thinking means you plan for contingencies and deal with them before they happen. It avoids having to run around like a chicken without a head because you have a system in place to increase the likelihood of success.


*Giving poor kids afterschool activities and hope instead of locking them up once they've committed a crime.

*Planning economic policy to help the greatest amount of citizens rather than trying to fix a recession because too much money has been siphoned to the rich.

*Developing alternatives to oil instead of willy nilly drilling for more of the stuff that's going to run out anyway.

*Using diplomacy to talk to the world and avoid conflict instead of knee-jerk war.

Try some proactive (or progressive) thinking sometime. It might be a little more difficult up front but the pay off is that you have more sound policy driving the country.

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