Monday, December 10, 2007

Random Senseless Shootings

Every time there's a shooting in a school or mall people wring their hands about how this could happen. Here's why it happens.

1. A society that doesn't care for it's weakest breeds dangerous people.
2. A society that doesn't function as a society but, rather, sees itself as rugged individuals tends to breed people who act on their own.
3. A society that focuses on punishment rather than treatment misses opportunities for intervention.
4. We always wait until after the fact to examine the shootings rather than preventive measures.
5. Every single individual in this country is part of this society not a lone actor.
6. Our society prizes short-term, quick fixes rather than comprehensive, long-term fixes to problems.
7. A society that is not committed to helping its own people get better perpetuates the cycle.

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