Friday, December 7, 2007

Afraid of the Government

Somewhere along the way people either became incredibly selfish or very afraid of government. What's the big deal? Government can either help or hurt middle class guy working hard for a living. The proof is always in the results. Government can make it easier to raise a family, pay bills, get health care, feel safe, gasoline prices, milk prices, and many other necessities of life. It can actually help working folks but it depends on the philosophy of who is running the government. The problem is that people have been sold on the fact that government can't do anything by people who don't believe in government in the first place. It's done by people who want you to believe that business can do everything better.

Always ask yourself, "Is someone selling me this government proposal because they have something to gain or because it will help me and my family." That will help you determine whether the government program helps regular folks or hurts them. It also helps to not get information from people who have a personal interest or profit motive in one position. Rush Limbaugh is not going to sell you on bigger government because he has nothing to gain from it.

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