Thursday, October 18, 2007

Debunking Conservatives

Try this sometime. Ask a conservative to explain one of their points of view by walking you through a logical breakdown of how it works. For example, cutting taxes. Ask them to show you how all this money gets given by the rich people to the poor. Make sure they tell you about all the ways the poor are benefiting and how great all the jobs and benefits are for the working class. Ask them to elaborate on how we will pay for growing services to a growing population with a shrinking tax base. Ask them who benefits the most from tax cuts. I'm sure it's the person working at the fast food place.

I think you will find it interesting what happens when you ask a conservative to explain something beyond ideology. It's one thing to say, "The tax cuts have grown the economy," it's another to describe what sectors have grown and who has benefited. I'm sure the fast food worker is enjoying the benefits of the food and gas prices these tax cuts have helped bring about.

Always ask yourself, "Who is really benefiting from this policy?"

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