Sunday, October 21, 2007

Conservative Hypocrites

Let me sum this up with one easy example. Let's say a conservative believes in spanking and regularly spanks a child because, "You don't spare the rod." Later that day, the child is hitting her little sister and the parent says, "Don't hit," while hitting the child.

Want another example? A conservative claims they are compassionate but does everything in her power to keep poor people poor and deny everyone healthcare.

Want another example? A conservative gives a turkey to a starving family at Christmas or Thanksgiving once a year and votes for the same people that will reduce funding for programs to help that family get ahead.

Want another example? A conservative believes in fighting those who attack us but also supports a policy that gets people so mad at us that they are more likely to attack us over and over in the future.

Want another example? A conservative says they are for fiscal discipline and doesn't blink an eye when fully one quarter of the entire budget goes to defense and the country is plunged into unthinkable debt.

Want another example? You get the point.

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