Friday, February 1, 2008

Decline of Our Country

What more proof do you need of the decline of our country than the amount of senseless crimes, including murder, that are commited? A society that doesn't care for its own breeds individuals who don't care for themselves or others. It might be helpful for all the conservative folks out there to re-evaluate their belief in letting people fend for themselves until they are so screwed up that they commit crimes.

If we cared for our citizens we would not have the epidemic of violence we currently have. Just another symptom of the culture of responsibility. Translation: Culture of you're on your own.

Don't believe me? Listen to a certain fat radio host and then decide what kind of country his vitriol would create. Or there's that Skeletor looking blonde lady that spews venom. Yeah, their beliefs would make the country more peaceful. I've also got a bridge that I'd like to sell you.

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