Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Secret to Getting Rich

You can't wish yourself into getting rich. The only proven ways to get rich are family connections, monumental luck or the one you should most seriously entertain: doing something you really like and working as hard as it takes.

Forget all these get rich quick schemes, they're just a rip off. They look for people who have no hope and then take what little money they have by promising them riches. If someone charges you for a secret to becoming wealthy then you know something is wrong.

Most rich people say they were willing to work harder than the next guy to become rich. This doesn't apply, of course, to people who are born into wealthy families.

Get Rich Quick

While there are examples of people who get rich quick, the vast majority of people never will. If anyone offers you an opportunity to get rich quick, run as fast as you can. The only proven way to become wealthy is to do something you love and work hard over time. Perhaps admitting greed and laziness is the first step toward not falling for get rich quick schemes.

This in no way excuses the predatory practices of hucksters who make money off vulnerable people. What kind of person preys on the poor and desperate? That should tell you something about the caliber of people promoting get rich quick schemes.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Class Warfare

Everyone is so worried about the classes being in conflict. The only people who really worry, though, are those who are incredibly rich and don't want any of them poor folks taking it away from them. So they scream "Class Warfare!" anytime someone starts getting the real picture of how this all works.

Ask yourself this: What is the difference between a rich person who freely gives to those less fortunate and another rich person who just keeps amassing wealth? Guess which one is most afraid of class warfare?